Saturday, May 14, 2016

Counting the Omer: Sunday Night, 15 May 2016/9 Iyar 5776

Today is Day Two of Week Four of the Omer.  That is Twenty-three Days of the Omer.  The Theme continues to be Happiness.

          Last week, we were driving home from visiting someone and I turned to Clara and asked:  Why is it that almost everybody we know is physically sick, whilst we’re consistently healthy?  We had just met someone who was suffering from Crohn’s Disease.  The point of my question was unambiguous.  Not only most of our friends and people we meet in the course of my work, but members of our respective families, all suffer from various maladies and are dependent upon all kinds of medications and regular treatments to make their lives bearable and productive.  The two of us have been to the doctor once each in the four years we’ve lived in Australia:  me for a knee pain that I feared was a torn ligament at the time but proved to be nothing revealed on an MRI and which went away after a few months; and Clara for a vision deterioration that frightened her for a few weeks but which tests could not pin down and also went away with time. 
I drove away from this meeting wondering why the stark contrast between, again, almost everybody we know, and Clara and me.  We come from families full of members with all kinds of physical complaints, so it’s unlikely genetics.  And our lifestyle isn’t anything that special.  We are fortunate to have a gym adjacent to our unit and we use it perhaps three times a week for relatively mild exercise.  Every now and then, we’ll swim some laps in the pool, also conveniently adjacent to our unit.  We walk fairly regularly, but not at a blistering pace or to epic distances:  more like relaxing strolls.  Our diet is reasonably healthy but not really deliberately so.  Although Clara has no sweet tooth whatsoever, I love chocolate.  We can scarf down hot chips with the best of them, with plenty of the fake chicken salt, loaded with MSG, on them.  Yum!  We’re certainly carrying at least a handful of spare kilograms around.  Look, I hope you don’t think I’m bragging; that’s certainly not my aim!  Rather, as we were driving back home I turned to Clara and posed the question, because we are after all in the business of helping people.  And if we’ve stumbled upon some secret that keeps us exceptionally healthier than many others around us, we should want to share it with others.
Clara is the one in the family with the medical smarts:  she worked for many years as a registered nurse, has a master’s degree in intensive care and follows current trends in medicine even though she has not worked in hospital in some years.  She explained to me about Crohn’s Disease; it is a disorder of the digestive tract, which makes its sufferers often unable to eat normally without painful and embarrassing consequences.  Over the years, we’ve known a number of people who suffer from it.
  Is it nerves?  I asked.  Is it caused by people tying themselves up in knots emotionally?  Clara said that it’s one of those conditions that really cannot be pinned down as to cause.  It is a young person’s disease, striking people for the first time most often between the ages of 15 and 25 years.  Clara allowed as how, like many bona fide medical conditions whose source cannot be traced, Crohn’s like many other ailments certainly may be brought on – at least in some cases – by emotional stress.
As we talked about emotional stress and its deleterious effects on physical health, I thought about all the people we know who are clearly unhappy with their lives and how they tend to suffer from all kinds of medical conditions.  Crohn’s is just the start of the list.  We know so many people with debilitating pain and health issues who are also people who stress endlessly over their lives.  We also know a few people who, like us, suffer from very few maladies – and some of them are in their 80’s and even 90’s.  And every one of these healthy individuals displays signs of having conquered, certainly in part, the Happiness challenge.
Clara tells me that many doctors have been unafraid to state publicly the positive effects on medical health that come from a positive state of mind, and the opposite.  I’m personally not a believer in faith healing.  If, G-d forbid I do get sick, please take me to a doctor!  Not to a chapel or a reading room.  Having no medical training myself, I hope that my speculations on the subject do not make me sound like someone with a penchant for quackery.  But after thinking long and hard about it, I am convinced that Happiness has a profoundly positive effect on one’s health.  And misery has a profoundly negative effect.

Keep striving for Happiness, and be healthy and well!  Amen. 

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