Saturday, October 3, 2015

Final Notice for Tonight

Dear Friends,

i know it's late but it was suggested that I offer a bit of explanation as to what is happening tonight, so that you'll have a better sense of what we'll be doing...or what you'll be missing.

Last Sunday evening, we celebrated the start of Sukkot together.  We performed netilat lulav ve'etrog, the waving of the lulav and etrog in six directions.  Then we shared dinner in Paul's sukkah, the ritual booth ereected for the festival.

Sukkot is a seven-day festival.  Today - before sunset - is the seventh day, known asHoshana Rabba - the Great Hosannah.  'Hosannah' means 'please save us.'  This parade with the lulav and etrog, expresses our hope that G-d will continue to bless us and keep us as he has blessed and kept us in the past, even during the 40 years' wandering.

With the sunset this evening begins Shmini Atzeret, 'the Eighth [Day] of the Festival,' which is an oppotunity to close the festival with a Yizkor (Memorial) service.  Progressive Judaism - and all Judaism in the Land of Israel - combines Shmini Atzeretwith Simchat Torah, 'Rejoicing of the Torah.' (Our Orthodox cousins outside Israel will celebrate Simchat Torah from sunset tomorrow.  Simchat Torah celebbrates the completion of the annual cycle of reading the Torah by completing it and then going immediately to begin the new cycle.  That's done at the morning service, but at the evening service (tonight) we dance with the scrolls.

So tonight, we'll observe Yizkor, then dance with the Torah, and...of!  It should be fun; I look forward to seeing you there.  If you have not booked, come anyway; as always, I'm sure we'll have more than enough food for everyone.

Aside from this, I draw your attention to the Jewish Journeys website.  Several months ago, I posted part one of an essay on Jewish choices and diversity.  I've just posted parts two and three of the essay.  You can find it at:

Enjoy and Chag Sameach!

Rabbi Don

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