Saturday, September 20, 2014

A thought for Rosh Hashanah

This is a time of renewal.

We celebrate the arrival of the New Year at a time when the seasons are changing.  At a time when our world is renewing in front of our eyes.

Likewise, we should take this change to heart.  We should look for the need for change and renewal within ourselves.

The sounding of the shofar, on Thursday morning this week, should serve to us as a wake-up call.  Amidst all the upheavals of our lives this past year, amidst all the gyrations that beset the world around us – the world close at hand and the greater world as well – what is the lesson for our inner lives?

The goal of the Ten Days of Repentance is not that one should feel guilty.  It is rather, to cause us to recognise the need to move forward in positive directions…and then produce the commitment that makes one move forward thusly.

My own life has seen its share of upheaval in the past year.  But through the stress of the upheaval, the truth which was clear before has become far clearer than ever.  And the truth is that, no matter how one might feel aggrieved by others at any given moment, the power is in our own hands to determine our destiny – and our happiness.  To move forward positively.

Now is the time to start making the decisions.  Now is the time to take the necessary steps to drop aside the baggage that is weighing us down.  Because it does weigh us down…and keeps us from reaching for a better life.

If ever there is a time of the year to plan and decide for one’s own happiness, it is now.  The longer we put it off, the more misery we allow to weigh us down, and to weigh down those with whom we interact.  It is in each person’s hands to determine whether he will serve as an agent of misery, or one of happiness in the coming year.

As Hillel put it:  If not now, when?

Shanah tovah umetukah.

Rabbi Don and Clara Levy

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